Aside from social distancing and following the rules of quarantine, boosting the immune system and keeping a healthy diet is also necessary to fight COVID-19.
With this, the College of Education, through the Home Economics, Vocational and Technical Education Department, launched “Healthy Recipes to Combat COVID-19” that aims to share innovative recipes prepared by their faculty and staff. Through such, the community is being encouraged to work on the ingredients they commonly have even in times of quarantine like sardines, rice and egg.
Some of the healthy recipes are: Camote Tops Tea, Guyalandan Juice and Puloty LuyaMansi Tea by Chef Patrick Glenn Ilano; Bulanglang na Himbabao by Ms. Gem J. Carlum; Tuna Lumpia by Ms. Arjanelyn Loquiano; Pasta de Sardines con Malunggay by Dr. Pia Rhoda Lucero; Stir-Fry Kangkong and Upo with Sardines by Mr. Jeffrey Aguila; Tortang Gulay by Ms. Cherry Mangilog; Dinengdeng by Mr. Romeo Reyes III; Kangkong and Tofu Stir Fry by Jeferson Mojica; PandePizzAdobo by Mr.Ruel Mendoza; and Rice Soup with Egg by Mark Anthony Arandia.